Icebreaker App
Icebreaker App

Icebreaker App

A simple app to inspire great conversations!

Icebreaker is a side project I launched one Sunday morning over a few too many flat whites!

I enjoy conversations which go deeper than surface level topics. These conversations are more interesting and meaningful, but not as frequent as I'd like.

Asking better questions can help spark these meaningful and fun conversations. Icebreaker is packed with questions to help stimulate these conversations.

Please try it out and give me feedback to improve the app. PS - It's a web app, so no downloads needed!

When do people use Icebreaker?

It's great when drinking with friends, forming new teams or on hot dates.

Product Roadmap

Recently Delivered
Enhance copy on homepage to better articulate the use cases
Provide CTAs so users can easily jump from homepage into questions
Allow users to submit their own questions
Better UX so that questions are nested underneath categories
Allow users to select a question at random
Add more stock questions to the app
Launch to app store
Enable users to upvote questions (Need to launch login functionality 1st)
Create new section specifically for couples questions
Allow users to bookmark their favourite questions (Need to launch login functionality 1st)