
My Favourite Notion Shortcuts

  • Type / to display the list of blocks available


At the beginning of any line of text, try these shortcuts:

  • Type *, -, or + followed by space to create a bulleted list.
  • Type [] to create a to-do checkbox. (There's no space in between.)
  • Type 1. then space to create a numbered list.
  • Type # then space to create an H1 header.
  • Type ## then space to create an H2 sub-header.
  • Type ### then space to create an H3 sub-header.
  • Type > then space to create a toggle list. (I love this one!)
  • Type " then space to create a quote block.

Duplicate any content on a Notion page by holding down option/alt as you drag and drop:

Press esc to select the block you're currently in. Or to clear selected blocks.

  • Press cmd/ctrl + a once to select the block you're in and twice to select all blocks on the page.
  • Press cmd/ctrl + d to duplicate the blocks you've selected.
  • Press cmd/ctrl + / to edit or change one or more selected blocks


  • Type /red to display options to change colour of text or background (also works for /blue /yellow etc)


  • Type /turn to display list of options to change your content (eg. from a bullet point to a numbered list

See all shortcuts