A Perfect Day

A Perfect Day

The best things in life are free. The second best things are very, very expensive. - Coco Chanel

What does a great day look like?

By defining what great looks like for me, I try to optimise my days to include the meaningful activities that contribute most to my happiness. All these activities are within my control, quite attainable and cheap!

  • Wake up before 8am
  • Exercise in the morning with a good playlist
  • Swim in the sea (This one is tricker to achieve!)
  • Breakfast outside in the sun
  • Journal
  • Do a new activity
  • Learn something new
  • Have a random positive interaction with a stranger
  • Read a good nonfiction book
  • Chill with family & friends
  • Enjoyable conversation
  • Relax with a beer/wine in the evening